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4th Argentine Symposium on Industrial Informatics
SII 2015: Call for Papers
44 JAIIO - 44th Argentine Conference on Informatics
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura
Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Rosario, Argentina
The Argentine Symposium on Industrial Informatics (SII) is an open forum for researchers, practitioners and students that use and/or develop models and computer systems for industrial applications, both in academic and professional environments.
The main objective of the symposium is fostering the interaction and exchange of ideas, experiences, and results of the professional and research activities of its participants in the area of Industrial Informatics, through technical sessions and discussion panels.
The Argentine Symposium on Industrial Informatics SII 2015 will be held as part of the 44th Argentine Conference on Informatics (44 JAIIO), from August 31st to September 4th 2015 in the city of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.
Topics of Interest
Works sent to SII 2015 should report relevant research results and industrial experiences in the following (or other related) areas:
Important Dates
Deadline for paper submission: April 13 May 6, 2015
Notification of acceptance/rejection: June 15, 2015
Deadline for "camera-ready" submissions: June 29, 2015
Registration of at least one author for each accepted paper: June 29, 2015
44rd JAIIO: August 31-September 4, 2015
Manuscript Submissions
Authors are invited to submit contributions in the following two categories:
Papers and reports should be submitted according to the LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) format. Author guidelines can be downloaded from: http://44jaiio.sadio.org.ar/?q=formatos
Manuscripts can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese, should not exceed 12 pages, including tables, figures and references, and must be submitted in PDF format. All submitted manuscripts will be carefully reviewed by members of the Program Committee, considering their originality, scientific or technical contribution, quality, and clarity.
Accepted papers and reports will be published in the SADIO Proceedings of the 44th JAIIO. All accepted contributions of SII 2015 will be orally presented. Oral presentations are 15 minutes each, followed by a 5 minute questions and answers session.
At least one of the authors of each accepted manuscript must register to the conference before the deadline for camera ready submissions in order to include the work in the Symposium.
Submissions should be made through the SADIO's conference management system. To upload your contribution you first need to register and sign in. If you have any problems, check the detailed instructions about registration and submission.
Special Issue
Selected manuscripts of SII 2015 will be considered for publication in the Iberoamerican Journal of Industrial Engineering (IJIE).
Program Committee
Pío Aguirre (INGAR-CONICET/UTN, UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina)
Alberto Bandoni (PLAPIQUI-CONICET, UNS, Bahía Blanca, Argentina)
Aníbal Blanco (PLAPIQUI-CONICET, Bahía Blanca, Argentina)
Diego Cafaro (INTEC-CONICET, UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina)
Marta Castilho Gomes (IST, Lisboa, Portugal)
Pedro Castro (Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal)
Omar Chiotti (INGAR-CONICET, UTN, Santa Fe, Argentina)
María Soledad Díaz (PLAPIQUI-CONICET, UNS, Bahía Blanca, Argentina)
Raymundo Forradellas (UNCuyo, Mendoza, Argentina)
Rodolfo García-Flores (CSIRO, Australia)
Gonzalo Guillén (CEAS, University of Manchester, Manchester, Reino Unido)
Gabriela Henning (INTEC-CONICET, UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina)
Ricardo Lima (KAUST, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Martín Gonzalo Marchetta (UNCuyo, Mendoza, Argentina)
Mariano Martín (Universidad de Salamanca, España)
Fernando Daniel Mele (FACET-UNT, Tucumán, Argentina)
Carlos Méndez (INTEC-CONICET, UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina)
Marcelo Montagna (INGAR-CONICET, UTN, Santa Fe, Argentina)
Marta Susana Moreno (PLAPIQUI-CONICET, UNS, Bahía Blanca, Argentina)
Juan Matías Novas (CIEM-CONICET, UTN-FRC, Córdoba, Argentina)
Bernardo Páez de la Torre (CARTOCOR, Paraná, Argentina)
Analía Rodriguez (IDTQ-PLAPIQUI, Córdoba, Argentina)
Ana Rosa Tymoschuk (UTN FRSF, Santa Fe, Argentina)
Aldo Vecchietti (INGAR-CONICET, UTN, Santa Fe, Argentina)
Marcela Vegetti (INGAR-CONICET, UTN, Santa Fe, Argentina)
Pablo Villarreal (CIDISI-UTN FRSF, Santa Fe, Argentina)
Luis Zeballos (INTEC-CONICET, UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina)
David Zumoffen (CIFASIS-CONICET, UTN-FRRo, Rosario, Argentina)
Marian G. Marcovecchio (INGAR-CONICET/UTN, UNL)
Contact Information
For questions regarding the symposium please contact: sii@44jaiio.sadio.org.ar
Plenary Lectures
“Pyomo: expressing mathematical programs and developing optimization solutions in Python” (Videoconference)
Dr. John D. Siirola
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Computational tools for modeling mathematical programs are in wide-spread use within both academia and industry. While available commercial and open-source software packages provide strong capabilities for model genericity by separating modeling constructs from instance data through concepts like sets, parameters, and parameterized constraints, the final model representations are generally limited to constructs that directly correspond to established solver inputs. Similarly, while these environments frequently support an ability to script the model and solution process, these scripted processes are typically ad hoc and specific to the model in question.
In contrast, the open source optimization modeling environment Pyomo focuses on extensibility and the development of generic optimization algorithms and solution approaches. In this presentation, I will introduce some of the advanced modeling capabilities in Pyomo, including structured block-oriented models, Generalized Disjunctive Programming, and Stochastic Programming. I will show how Pyomo can map these modeling constructs into algebraic forms that are compatible with standard optimization solvers using user-configurable automated model transformations. I will also show how Pyomo’s object model supports developing custom solution workflows, from simple preprocessors like applying basic steps to disjunctive models, to complex decomposition algorithms like Progressive Hedging and Benders Decomposition.
Throughout this talk I will draw examples from Sandia’s multi-year effort developing scalable solutions to optimization problems arising from power grid planning and operations. In particular, I will highlight solutions to stochastic unit commitment, incorporating transmission switching into N-1 reliability analysis, and stochastic grid expansion planning models.
Biographical sketch:
Dr. John D. Siirola is a Principal R&D Member of Technical Staff in the Optimization and Discrete Math Department within the Center for Computing Research at Sandia National Laboratories. His main areas of expertise are systems design, operations research, optimization modeling, and optimization algorithms. John’s research focuses on the intersection of computational tools with systems design and analysis; in particular, developing approaches for modeling highly structured systems, optimization algorithms that can exploit the expressed structure, and the application of these techniques to national security problems.
Much of John’s research is disseminated through open-source software projects. He leads the Acro project (optimization algorithms) and co-leads the Pyomo project (optimization modeling). He is a contributor to the Water Security Toolkit (modeling and analysis tools for drinking water distribution systems) and Dakota (optimization and uncertainty quantification), and contributes to numerous tools, including Utilib, PyUtilib, gcovr, and cxxtest.
John has a B.S. from Purdue University (2000) and Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University (2005), both in Chemical Engineering. He is a senior member of the AIChE, member of INFORMS, and member of the COIN-OR Foundation. John currently serves on the COIN-OR Technical Leadership Council and recently co-chaired the 2014 Foundations of Computer Aided Process Design (FOCAPD) conference.
“Desafíos de la Producción de Gas No Convencional en Vaca Muerta”
Dr. Diego Cafaro
INTEC, UNL-CONICET, Santa Fe, Argentina
Los recursos de petróleo y gas no convencional (shale) han revolucionado la política energética de los EE.UU. en los últimos años, y podrían jugar un rol preponderante en la Argentina en un futuro no muy lejano. La formación Vaca Muerta, segunda en el mundo en recursos de gas no convencional, ha abierto un panorama alentador para nuestro país en procura del autoabastecimiento energético. No obstante, la explotación de estos recursos plantea enormes desafíos, no sólo desde la perspectiva económica sino también medioambiental. La presentación busca introducir la problemática del diseño y planificación estratégica de la cadena de suministros de gas no convencional, para luego describir las bases de un modelo matemático que permite optimizar en forma simultánea el conjunto de decisiones de largo plazo involucradas. El objetivo es planificar adecuadamente la perforación y estimulación de nuevos pozos, y dimensionar la infraestructura de transporte y procesamiento del gas, bajo la premisa de viabilizar el desarrollo de los proyectos, minimizando los impactos sobre el medioambiente.
Breve biografía del expositor:
Diego Cafaro es Investigador Adjunto del CONICET en el INTEC (Instituto de doble dependencia UNL-CONICET) y Profesor Adjunto de la Facultad de Ingeniería Química de la UNL. Sus trabajos científicos más destacados han contribuido a la planificación óptima del transporte de crudos y combustibles refinados a través de tuberías. En el año 2013 inició una nueva línea de trabajo vinculada al planeamiento sustentable de la producción de gas y petróleo no convencional (shale), desarrollando una estancia de investigación posdoctoral en el Dpto. de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad Carnegie Mellon (Pittsburgh, EE.UU.), financiada por la Comisión Fulbright y el CONICET.