ASSE - Simposio Argentino de Ingeniería de Software


ASSE 2015 Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering


First Call for Papers

Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura

Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Rosario, Santa Fé, Argentina

part of 44 JAIIO - 44 Argentine Conference of Informatics


September 3-4, 2015



ASSE is an annual event that brings together researchers, developers, and practitioners to discuss and exchange ideas, problems and experiences in the wide field of Software Engineering. ASSE seeks original works in the wide spectrum of Software Engineering, from academic research to industrial and business applications with significant impact and lessons learned from application development.

This year ASSE will be held during September 3-4, 2015, in Rosario (Santa Fé, Argentina), at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario.

ASSE will be part of the JAIIO (Argentine Conference on Informatics), which is one of the most prestigious conferences in South America, organized by SADIO (Argentine Society of Informatics and Operations Research) since 1961, with the participation of professionals from industry and academia. JAIIO is organized as a series of thematic symposia including topics such as artificial intelligence, software engineering, technology, high performance computing, industrial informatics, free software, law, health, information society, amongst others.




Submissions are invited in the following track categories:

Full research papers: 15 pages maximum length

Experience Reports: 10 pages maximum length


Oral communications: Short presentations aimed at giving researchers the opportunity to further disseminate research results already published in journals and international conferences


For research papers we invite submissions describing original research results, case studies, and empirical studies. Some Full research papers may, at the opinion of the committee, be proposed as Short research papers with a maximum of 6 pages maximum length.


We encourage submissions relating to all aspects of Software Engineering, especially on topics of emerging interest. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

  • Agile Methods and Practices
  • Cloud-based Systems and Software
  • Development Paradigms and Software Processes and Methods
  • Distributed Software Systems and Middleware
  • Formal Methods
  • Pervasive, Mobile and Embedded Systems
  • Model Driven Engineering
  • Object Oriented, Component-based, Aspect-oriented, Service-oriented Software Engineering
  • Open Standards and Certification
  • Patterns and Frameworks
  • Program Comprehension and Visualization
  • Requirements Engineering
  • Reverse Engineering, Refactoring, and Evolution
  • Software Architecture and Design
  • Software Configuration and Deployment
  • Software Engineering Education and Training
  • Software Metrics & Quality Assurance
  • Software Product Lines
  • Software Project Management
  • Software Specification
  • Tools and Environments
  • Verification, Validation and Testing
  • Web Engineering


For experience reports we are inviting practitioners to present new advances or insights in Software Engineering methods, practices or tools. A contribution should consist of a brief explanation of the method, practice, or tool in question, a description of the context and particulars in which you have experience, the results you have achieved, and the lessons you and your organization have learned relative to this method, practice or tool, its applicability, its effectiveness, or insights on how to further improve it. In particular, the content must be practical and relevant, and must be presented in a well-documented and thorough manner.


All papers must be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Papers will be reviewed by an international Program Committee, which is composed of members from both the Industry and Academia, so that research papers and experience reports can be evaluated by experts in the subject. Papers may be accepted for presentation as talks or as posters during the conference. All papers and experience reports will be published in the SADIO Proceedings of the JAIIO. Best papers will be invited for publication in the Electronic Journal of SADIO (, indexed in Latindex.


For oral communications, we seek presentations discussing solid, published research results. We ask prospective contributors to submit an abstract (maximum 1 page) explaining the problem statement, motivation, research hypothesis and validation, and publication information (venue, date, link). Apart from the results themselves, we also encourage prospective speakers to briefly discuss the practical -i.e., industrial- implications of these results during their talks at the symposium.




The versions submitted for review must be uploaded in .PDF format. The format for the camera-ready copy will be in Springer LNCS format. The correct reception of a submission will be acknowledged immediately to the contact author.

Contributions (Full research papers and experience reports) must be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese, and have up to 15 pages for full papers and 10 pages for experience reports. Please include name, affiliation/s and address/es of the author/s. Papers should also include up to 5 keywords and an abstract of 70-150 words. In case a Full Paper is accepted as a Short Paper, the format is the same as the Full Paper but restricted to 6 pages. Please refer to for further details and examples of how to format contributions.

Each accepted paper must be presented in the symposium, and the presenter must be registered in the conference.

Submissions should be made through the SADIO's conference management system. To upload your contribution you first need to register and sign in. If you have any problems, check the detailed instructions about registration and submission.




Submission deadline: May 6th, 2015

Acceptance notification: June 15th, 2015

Final version (camera ready) deadline: June 29th, 2015





  • Nazareno Aguirre, FCEFQyN - UNRC, CONICET.
  • Cristian Mateos, ISISTAN - UNCPBA/CONICET.



Alejandra Cechich (GIISCo, UNComa, Argentina)

Alejandra Garrido (LIFIA, UNLP, Argentina)

Alexandre Bergel (Universidad de Chile, Chile)

Alvaro Soria (ISISTAN, UNICEN, Argentina)

Andrés Diaz Pace (ISISTAN, UNICEN, Argentina)

Andrés Flores (GIISCo, UNComa, Argentina)

Carlos Lopez Pombo (FCEyN, UBA, Argentina)

Claudia Marcos (ISISTAN, UNICEN, Argentina)

Claudia Pons (LIFIA, UNLP, Argentina)

Daniel Riesco (UNSL, Argentina)

Diego Garbervetsky (LAFHIS, UBA, Argentina)

Gustavo Rossi (LIFIA, UNLP, Argentina)

Horacio Leone (INGAR-CONICET, UTN-FRSF, Argentina)

Juan Manuel Rodriguez (ISISTAN, UNCPBA, Argentina)

Luis Olsina (GIDIS_Web, UNLP, Argentina)

Marcelo Frias (CISoft, ITBA, Argentina)

Martin Nordio (ETH Zurich, Suiza)

Maximiliano Cristiá (CIFASIS-Rosario, Argentina)

Nicolas D'Ippolito (LAFHIS, UBA, Argentina)

Omar Chiotti (CIDISI, UTN-FRSF, Argentina)

Pablo Fillottrani (Depto. Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación, UNS, Argentina)

Pablo Castro (UNRC, Argentina)

Pablo Villarreal (CIDISI, UTN-FRSF, Argentina)

Pedro D'Argenio (FaMAF, UNC, Argentina)

Sanjay Misra (Covenant University, Nigeria)

Santiago Vidal (ISISTAN, UNCPBA, Argentina)

Sergio Ochoa (Universidad de Chile, Chile)

Silvio Gonnet (INGAR-CONICET, UTN-FRSF, Argentina)




For further information, visit the ASSE 2015 webpage:

or send an e-mail to: